Recent Happenings

If I have not posted recently, it’s simply because I have been extremely busy with both custom font projects and also updates to my retail fonts.

I’ve been working with my good friend and associate Michael Cina on some custom typeface projects for a very fun client. More information on these will surface soon.

I’m in the process of creating a pro version of my web font Abel. The character set will be expanded considerably from the open source version and there will also be a bold weight coming soon. This family will be available on

In other news, I have a new flickr account that will feature all of my work, old and new. Check it out.

Lustria Released

Lustria is now available for use on the web via Google Web Fonts. You can take a peek at it over on my web fonts page. For those that don’t know, Lustria was one of the first text fonts that I began designing way back in 1999. It took some motivation and luck to finally get it out there. It’s rare that a font started over 10 years ago gets released. There are just too many other recent projects to get off the plate!

Environ Released

My free font Environ has been re-released today via It has a limited character set, but has most of the bits you need for basic typography. Grab it and enjoy some free font goodness!

Welcome to MADType v20.12

It was time to rebuild. This new site format will feature my latest work and allow me to post other type-related goodness via this blog. Onward and upward.